New! Magnetoterapy Dog & Cat
New! Magnetoterapy Dog & Cat

Magnetotherapy for dogs and cats is a physiotherapeutic method, which uses the properties of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) to reduce pain in bones, muscles and joints. Furthermore, it does not create any discomfort for the pet, on the contrary it brings it to a deep state of relaxation. It is a consolidated therapeutic technique and one of the most used, thanks to its universally recognized effectiveness. Magnetotherapy is particularly used in the following animal pathologies: Chronic bone pathologies (osteopenia, osteoporosis, arthrosis), Fractures, Joint pain, Post-operative pain, Edema, Neuralgia, Vasculopathies, Tears and strains, Lumbago, Tendinitis, Ideal in all periods of high stress for the animal (competitions, events, exhibitions). Magnetotherapy also generates numerous benefits such as: Analgesic, vasodilatory, detoxifying, anti-edematous, muscle relaxing, healing and regenerating.

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